Our Purpose

The goal of The Ultimate Measuring Stick (TUMS), is to highlight and bring to the forefront the gospel of Jesus Christ as written in the book of scriptures, to provoke each other to good works in every form possible, and to expose the subtle tricks of the devil as we address and discuss various “topics of the day”. This means that we will be constantly updating information on TUMS in a timely manner as fitting to the matter at hand.

We at TUMS, believe that there is only one path to the one true and living God. We believe that the foundation for this path was laid by Jesus Christ himself while on earth, and before he ascended into heaven, he gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter and his other apostles, authorizing them to build on the foundation already laid.

Today we are credible witnesses observing the truth under attack, not only from unbelievers, but from within the body of Christ! (Romans 1:18-25). Our tagline was inspired by this reality – that the battle for truth is not simply among various religions, believers versus unbelievers, etc. It also rages within our own sinful nature which often resists the word of God. Here at TUMS we are determined to “proclaim the truth according to scriptures despite resistance from our sinful nature.”

While some of our forefathers continued steadfastly in the faith, unfortunately some have fallen victim to the deceitfulness of the devil, being tossed by the winds of doctrine, and as a result have turned from the truth of God.

It is our hope that the information provided on this platform will become a tool, used to fight the good fight, restore the old landmark, and to help unbelievers acknowledge and give God His rightful exalted place in their hearts, as we “contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3).