Measuring Check

This growing list is used to measure general knowledge on a wide cross section of scriptures covering Godly principles, doctrinal foundations, the laws and the prophet, disciples and apostles, sonship, the church and many other subject matter.
Each statement is deemed to be true, however based on the host interpretation of scriptures. Therefore, if or when a person disagrees with any points, you are encouraged to communicate your disagreement accordingly via email or feel free to post your comments directly on this site. The ultimate goal for this list is to provide an opportunity for a conversation starter, whether it be to discuss our mutual agreement or our disagreement on the various subjects. In the end no matter what your position might be today, our hope is that at some point in the near future, we will all be saying the same thing as it relates to Jesus Christ and what he requires of us…here goes:

1. The book of scriptures (Holy Bible) was written by men of God who were inspired/overshadowed by the Holy spirit.
2. All of scripture is for us, but not all of scripture is about us.
3. God created the heavens and the earth all by himself
4. The God of Adam, Noah, Moses, David, Job, Daniel, and all holy prophets of old, is the same God of the disciples and apostle in the new, and is our God.
5. God was manifested in the flesh hiding himself behind the veil of the sonship of Jesus Christ – (God was in Christ Jesus & Thou art a God that hidest thyself)
6. To believe in God is to do and follow as he says – John 10:22-27
7. God is not the author of confusion therefore the scriptures does not contradict itself…
8. As it was with the apostles, we too should also be teaching and saying the same thing according to the scriptures, with the only difference being in administration.

9. There is only One Lord! One Saviour! One God!
10. Heaven is real and we all should strive to enter in, by believing in God through Jesus Christ, as the scripture has said…
11. Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus was talking about us, but not to us…as such, this was “a commandment and NOT a performance”.
12. We cannot know God outside of his word, therefore all their is for us to know about God is clearly written in the scriptures.
13. While we maybe able to tell the times we are living in, and perhaps even give a proximity to the coming of God based on signs outlined in scripture, one thing is for sure; NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY NOR THE HOUR OF THE COMING OF GOD!
14. The scriptures were originally written in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic , however Jesus before he ascended, gave the authorization for the gospel to be preached and taught in all nations and languages without contradiction. God will never leave himself without a witness, and so it is by divine will that he has his ministers in all the world; but so does the devil.
15. The Church was started by Jesus Christ before he gave the keys to the kingdom of heaven to Peter in the presence of the other disciples. He said: “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loose in heaven”. We should therefore conclude that the authority to “bind and loose” was given only to the holder(s) of the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 16: 18-20
16. The founder of the church (Jesus Christ) has equipped the church body through his word, giving all the principles and guidelines for us to follow, nothing less and nothing more, to the extent that the word of God warned us not to add or take away from the book (Rev 22:18-20). I conclude that anything that is done in the Name of God, must be supported by scriptures.

Prov 27:17 – As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
If we build on these truths, as we earnestly contend for the faith, it won’t be long before we all are saying the same thing.